Weekly Porch: Area Activities, March 7-17, 2019
Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.

Bworks Trivia Night
Friday, March 8 at 7-10 pm, German Cultural Society, 3652 S. Jefferson
Come Join us for our first annual trivia night supporting St. Louis BWorks programs. Tables of eight players start at $240. Silent auction/wine pulls and more all supporting the free youth programs provided by St. Louis BWorks for the past 30 years. Team captains can sign up and we will be in contact for payment. SignUpGenius
Freedom in a Platform Opening Reception
Friday, March 8 at 7-10 pm, The Luminary, 2701 Cherokee
Freedom in a Platform reopens The Luminary’s reconfigured galleries on March 8th, 2019 with a group show exploring alternate ways of inhabiting both the gallery and the institution.Freedom in a Platform takes its title from a text by the 17th Century Diggers, who proposed new explorations of social and spatial relations in an upturned environment. Facebook Invite
Women's History Month Pop-Up
Saturday, March 9 at 12-4 pm, 6th Dimension Entertainment, 2122 Cherokee
Vendors, food, and beer! Join us in kicking off Women’s History Month with a bangin' pop-up. Participating vendors: Purity Apothecary - Miss Mess Designs- Lil Mama’s Bakery- Snackcidental Miniatures & Jewelry- Cats in the Attic Jewelry. Special treats provided by Earthbound Brewing! As always, free to shop and all are welcome. Facebook Invite
FreeSTyLe Open Mic at STyLehouse!
Saturday, March 9 at 2–4 pm, STL-Style, 3159 Cherokee
FreeSTyLe Open Mic is an all ages, family-friendly open mic for any type of performance: music, poetry, comedy, dance, or whatever else you want to do! We will have a PA and a mic, but please do bring any instruments or accoutrements needed for your act. Performers will get up to 10 minutes to do their thang. Suzie Cue will be hosting. Feel free to bring any drinks you may want to enjoy. Email suzie@stl-style.com if you have any questions! There is no cover charge to come, and of course you don't have to perform to come and enjoy the show! Facebook Invite
Second Saturdays: Gallery Walk
Saturday, March 9 at 6-10 pm, Cherokee
Art walk in the Cherokee Street Arts District second Saturdays of the month from 6-9PM. Participating businesses exhibiting various medias of art. Rotating galleries on Cherokee Street. Facebook Invite
Miles Tones 2019
Saturday, March 9 at 6-8 pm, Cherokee Street Gallery, 2617 Cherokee
Cherokee Street Gallery is hosting a fundraiser for the House of Miles East St. Louis. Featuring a performance by musician Tonina & artwork by Kool Koor & Benjamin Lowder. The House of Miles East St. Louis is a nonprofit organization located in Miles Davis’ historic childhood home in East St. louis, Illinois and it is known by the acronym H.O.M.E. They are engaged in a dual mission of maintaining this important cultural landmark as well as offering love and encouragement to the children of East St Louis through supportive programming offered at the H.O.M.E. Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
in. Open to the public, bring your friends!
Gravois Park Neighborhood Meeting
Tuesday, March 12 at 6-7:30 pm, 3353 California
Our monthly meetings are a great place to discuss issues important to you and your family, learn about resources and get updates on everything in and around Gravois Park and the 20th Ward but mostly, meet your neighbors. Bring an idea and neighbor or two! Facebook Invite

Cherokee Street CID Meeting, Thursday, March 21 at 5:30-6:30 pm, Artist Art, 2643 Cherokee
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting, Thursday, March 21 at 7 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Lo-Fi Cherokee 2019, Saturday, April 6 at 9 am-7 pm, Cherokee
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.