Weekly Porch: Area Activities, February 28-March 10, 2019
Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.
Fox Park Neighborhood Meeting and Aldermanic Forum
Thursday, February 28 at 7-9 pm, NexCore, 2631 Gravois
Come join your neighbors for our monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring drinks and snacks. Fox Park T-shirts, koozies, and stickers will be available for purchase. After the meeting we will mix and mingle, time allowing. ALDERMANIC FORUM. In addition to our normal meeting, we would like to introduce you to the four Democratic candidates and one Republican candidate running for the hotly contested 6th Ward seat in the March 5 municipal primary elections. Facebook Invite
Nebula's Free First Friday
Friday, March 1 at 10 am-4 pm, Nebula 3407 S. Jefferson
Need a change of scenery from your usual workspace or coffee shop?Stop by Nebula for the day on Free First Friday! Bring your laptop and enjoy our shared workspaces and free wifi. At 10am, we’ll provide free Gooseberries bagels and coffee from Kaldi's Coffee Roasting Co. to sustain your productivity. No strings attached, we just want to help you get stuff done! Free parking is available across Jefferson (next to Byrd & Barrel). When you arrive, please use the call box at the main Nebula entrance on Jefferson. — dial #01 and someone from Nebula will buzz you in. Open to the public, bring your friends! Facebook Invite
South Broadway Art Project's First Friday Happy Hour
Friday, March 1 at 4:30-7:30 pm, South Broadway Art Project, 3816 S. Broadway
Come learn more about what SBAP has planned for the upcoming season and year! Light refreshments and snacks served in exchange for good vibes and conversation! We will also have some new mugs and "perfect" everyday white bowls for sale. All proceeds from gallery sales benefit scholarships and equitable Community Open Workshop time. Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
in. Open to the public, bring your friends!
Election Day - City of St. Louis
Tuesday, March 5 from 6 am-7 pm
This election cycle will choose the President of the Board of Aldermen and many Wards are voting for their alderperson. Go out and vote!
Tenth Life Cats 'N Mats Yoga
Wednesday, March 6 at 6-7 pm, Tenth Life, 3202 Cherokee
This is a completely open-level yoga class. You only need a mat and a love of cats to participate! And we have a couple of mats if you don't have one. Curious kitties will be meandering about whilst we get our stretch on. This class is meant to be fun and nourishing to our bodies and souls while helping Tenth Life give cats the lives they deserve!Tickets are available for just $15 each! Facebook Invite
City REIA Launch Party
Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30-9:30 pm, NexCore, 2631 Gravois
You have requested it, now we are providing it! We are Launching the much anticipated, City REIA. We are the St. Louis City Real Estate Investor Alliance. We offer networking and education for the newbie and the expert. Network. Connect. Make it Happen in 2019! Food and beverage provided by local restaurants and artisan beverages. Swag Bags Available to the first 100 guests to arrive. FREE event. Eventbrite

Bworks Trivia Night
Friday, March 8 at 7-10 pm, German Cultural Society, 3652 S. Jefferson
Come Join us for our first annual trivia night supporting St. Louis BWorks programs. Tables of eight players start at $240. Silent auction/wine pulls and more all supporting the free youth programs provided by St. Louis BWorks for the past 30 years. Team captains can sign up and we will be in contact for payment. SignUpGenius
Freedom in a Platform Opening Reception
Friday, March 8 at 7-10 pm, The Luminary, 2701 Cherokee
Freedom in a Platform reopens The Luminary’s reconfigured galleries on March 8th, 2019 with a group show exploring alternate ways of inhabiting both the gallery and the institution.Freedom in a Platform takes its title from a text by the 17th Century Diggers, who proposed new explorations of social and spatial relations in an upturned environment. Facebook Invite
FreeSTyLe Open Mic at STyLehouse!
Saturday, March 9 at 2–4 pm, STL-Style, 3159 Cherokee
FreeSTyLe Open Mic is an all ages, family-friendly open mic for any type of performance: music, poetry, comedy, dance, or whatever else you want to do! We will have a PA and a mic, but please do bring any instruments or accoutrements needed for your act. Performers will get up to 10 minutes to do their thang. Suzie Cue will be hosting. Feel free to bring any drinks you may want to enjoy. Email suzie@stl-style.com if you have any questions! There is no cover charge to come, and of course you don't have to perform to come and enjoy the show! Facebook Invite
Second Saturdays: Gallery Walk
Saturday, March 9 at 6-10 pm, Cherokee
Art walk in the Cherokee Street Arts District second Saturdays of the month from 6-9PM. Participating businesses exhibiting various medias of art. Rotating galleries on Cherokee Street. Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Neighborhood Meeting, Tuesday, March 12 at 6-7:30 pm, 3353 California
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting, Thursday, March 21 at 7 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.