Throw Back Tuesday: Swiss Hall

The site of 2724-2726 Arsenal was once the home of the Swiss Hall. Built in 1888 by Conrad Ebner, the building was originally know as Ebner Hall. He and his wife, Maria ran a grocery store and saloon. They lived on the 2nd floor and rented the 3rd floor for meetings and weddings.
The building was sold on November 19, 1910 to the Gruentil Benevolent Society, a Swiss organization that originated in St. Louis in 1849. Additional lots next to the building were also purchased for a beer garden.
Swiss yodelers sang there and sharp shooters did target practice. In 1913 a concert hall and gymnasium was added along the Iowa side of the building. The new addition was know as the Swiss Turner Hall (3110 Iowa Ave). In 1945 Turner Hall had a bowling alley added. Over time the organization's name changed to the Swiss American Benevolent Society.

The last president of the group, was Paul Reichmuth. With only a dozen or so members left (most had either died or moved to the County), the decision was made to end the 111 year run of the organization and sell the building. August 10, 1960 the Salvation Army purchased the Swiss Hall.
The building was demolished on Halloween 1960 for a parking lot. It's only fitting that Benton Park West Neighborhood Association hosts its annual Trunk or Treat on the site. Our annual event is Sunday, October 28 at 4 pm. For more info, please visit our Events Page.

Missouri History Museum: