Throw Back Tuesday: Bernard Crickard Residence
Bernard Crickard was born in Ireland. A stone cutter by trade, we partnered with John Withnell to found the Crickard & Doyle. They did stone work on The Old Cathedral (Arch Grounds) and the Four Courts building (demo).
July 14, 1853, Mr. Crickard purchased 9 & 70/100 acres from Mrs. Catherine McLaughlin for $4000. His home was completed in 1856 and it had 12 rooms with stables and outhouses in the rear of the home. Bernard Crickard died November 2, 1872 and left $400,000 to his widow, Marcella Doyle Crickard. He also left $1000 towards the construction of the New Cathedral.

December 4, 1878 Cherokee Street was extended through the Crickard land all the way to Gravois. The Crickard residence new address was 3115 Cherokee Street.

Mr. Crickard's widow, Marcella, subdivided the land in May 26, 1885 and named the new subdivision Mac Adaras. Over the next six decades, the home changed hands several times and was converted into apartments. The last owner of the home was Mrs. Hattie Kipper who sold the home to Iowa Construction Company May 23, 1962 who demolished the property for a new apartment building.

Saint Louis: The Future Great City of the World, L. U. Reavis
Missouri History Museum, Collection: Swekosky, William G., 1895-1964