Weekly Porch: Area Activities, July 5-15, 2018

Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.
July Yappy Hour and Pool Party
Thursday, July 5 at 6 pm, BPW Dog Park, 3300 Nebraska
Open event dog party! Come play in the pools, have a drink and visit with your neighbors! All are welcome! Facebook Invite
Tenth Life Caturday Story Hour
Saturday, July 7 at 11:30 am - 12 pm, Tenth Life, 3200 Cherokee
We invite children of all ages and their parents/legal guardians to join our bi-weekly summer story time. Get cozy on our couches and rugs while a Tenth Life volunteer or staff member reads a family friendly cat themed story!*We do ask all visitors to sign a visitor waiver and read our storefront rules upon entry. Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. We ask that no more than 2 children are accompanied by 1 adult. This is a free event. Facebook Invite
Fair St. Louis - BPW Volunteers Needed (FUNDRAISER)
Saturday, July 7 at 1-11 pm, Arch Grounds
Benton Park West's largest fundraiser, we will sell beverages at Fair St. Louis. We will need beer pourers, drink runners, and sellers. We need your help! To volunteer, please visit http://fairsaintlouisfoundation.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/. Your password is BPWNA. You'll then see just BPWNA shifts. You'll select the shifts you'd like to work and complete the form. Questions, please contact Scott McIntosh at 314-719-6507. Can't volunteer? Buy from our booth; we'll be at the south leg of the Arch.
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
Gravois Park Neighborhood Meeting
Tuesday, July 10 at 6:30 pm, 3353 California
Our monthly meetings are a great place to discuss issues important to you and your family, learn about resources and get updates on everything in and around Gravois Park and the 20th Ward but mostly, meet your neighbors. 3353 California (enter at rear of building); Located in the former Jefferson Bank Building.
Cherokee Street Community Market
Wednesday, July 11 at 4:30 pm, Love Bank Park, 2851 Cherokee
The City Greens Market Supa-Fresh Veggie Mobile will be full of local fruits, veggies, meat and dairy products.Guardian Angel Settlement Association will distribute free produce, Operation Food Search will distribute free bread. There will be samples and music and ALL THE GOOD THINGS! Come hang out with your neighbors and enjoy the fellowship and sunshine. Facebook Invite
Missouri Women in Trades Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, July 11 at 4-7 pm, WES, 2929 S. Jefferson
This is the time to meet other tradeswomen, and learn of ways to get involved with the group and the community! Many volunteering opportunities in the near future! Looking forward to seeing you there! Facebook Invite
Kairos Public School Community Forum
Wednesday, July 11 at 5:30-8 pm, Thomas Dunn Learning Center, 3113 Gasconade
Kairos Academies (www.kairosacademies.org) is bringing a free, public 6th-12th grade charter school to Dutchtown. Join us at the public forum and tell government officials that kids in our city deserve high-quality, innovative schools. Improving education is more than just a cause: it's our moral obligation as citizens and parents. Facebook Invite
Drywall + Plaster Repair Workshop
Wednesday, July 11 at 6:30-8:30 pm, Perennial, 3762 S. Broadway
Join Emanuel of Citizen Carpentry in this demonstration class to learn how to work with walls. Participants will discuss the different materials that walls are made of and will learn proper techniques for hanging on each type. You’ll also learn about proper use of power drills, and will learn how to patch and repair sections of drywall with a variety of tools and products. This class is well-suited for new homeowners and DIY-ers interested in maintaining walls of their old St. Louis home instead of tearing them out. Cost: $35, Registration closes Friday, July 6. Facebook Invite
The Amazing Taco Race on Cherokee Street
Saturday, July 14 at 11 am-1 pm, Cherokee
Do you like solving mysteries, eating delicious tacos, and learning more about Cherokee Street?! Join Friends of Casa de Salud this summer for our first scavenger-hunt style taco tour of South City's acclaimed Cherokee Street! For details and ticket prices, please see the Facebook Invite
Bastille Day 2018
Sunday, July 15 from 1-4 pm, Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion, 3355 DeMenil
It's time once again for the annual Chatillon-DeMenil House Foundation Bastille Day Celebration! We will be featuring live dance, reenactments, cash bar, and a food truck for your enjoyment. Come tour the beautiful Mansion and see our new garden additions!Members of the Mansion get in for FREE and general entry is $10. Facebook Invite
Teatopia's Story Time, Saturday, July 21 at 10:30-11:30 am, Teatopia, 2606 Cherokee
9th Ward/20th Ward Candidates Forum, Wednesday, July 18 at 6:30-9 pm, Treffpunkt, 3453 S. Jefferson
Cherokee Station Business Association Meeting, Thursday, July 19 at 5:30-6:30 pm, Nebula, 3407 S. Jefferson
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting, Thursday, July 19 at 7-8 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Celebrate and Activate: Gravois Jefferson Plan Adoption, Monday, July 30 at 6-8 pm, Artist Art on Cherokee, 2643 Cherokee

A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.