Safe Spot: Your STL Courts

This past Friday, I attended a meeting hosted by Rise and CivTech St. Louis to promote and educate residents about a new online tool that navigates the multiple courts in the county.
YourSTLCourts is a free service which provides information on your traffic ticket and court case in a simple online interface. It works on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone. A text message system can send you reminders on your court case.
Why use YourSTL Courts?
Find your traffic ticket no matter where in St. Louis the citation was received.
You can also learn if a warrant has been issued for your arrest.
Clear up outstanding infracations or warrants you may have.
Learn about your rights in court.
Obtain information you need about when/where to appear, operating hours, court procedures, and fines + fees.
Get text message reminders of your court date.
Learn more about community service opportunities as alternatives to paying fines + fees.
Approximately 75% of St. Louis lives within an area covered by YourSTLCourts. The blue areas have courts that actively participate, so anyone who receives a ticket in those areas may access info and updates on their court case.
Green areas are not yet participating; however, court users can find info on all courts in St. Louis County such as addresses, hours of operation, etc.