Volunteer Community Mediators Needed

Have you ever considered becoming a skilled volunteer mediator? The Board of Aldermen passed legislation in November 2017 to establish an Office of Community Mediation in our City – Board Bill 132. The mission is to provide professional dispute resolution services that are accessible to all at no cost to residents residing in or employees of St. Louis. Please consider applying if you have the skills to assist human beings to resolve their own disputes peacefully.
Who: The non-profit Conflict Resolution Center-City of St. Louis was created to focus specifically our City residents and employees.
What: A 40-hour training of volunteer mediators to begin in mid-February.
How Many: 16-20 participants, emphasis on recruiting a diverse class of residents of or employed in the City.
Training Dates: Four full weekend days (Saturdays) over a five-week period.
Cost: No cost for training. Contributions to cover expenses.
Course Content: Highly interactive to provide basics of co-mediation following the six-step National Association of Community Mediation model Volunteer Commitment: to mediate for a minimum of two-years for our Conflict Resolution Center.
How to Apply: (314) 533-3550 or e-mail staff@crcstlouis.net. Sell yourself; tell us why you are an excellent candidate to become a volunteer mediator. Upon receipt of your information we will provide you with additional details.
Thank you!
Community Mediation Services of St. Louis
3752 Giles Ave | St. Louis 63116