Lucky to Live Here Campaign

Have you heard? Our region is coming together again to celebrate St. Louis, a city of neighborhoods!
The St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation founded by the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission is launching it’s annual social media contest called Lucky to Live Here. As you know, we are huge cheerleaders of St. Louis and when we heard this contest was returning, we couldn’t wait to share the good news. You have the chance to win one of many themed activity packages (think sports, theatre, family and even a luxury staycation worth $1,000 at one of St. Louis’ unique and historic hotels). Plus, the winning neighborhood will receive a $5,000 marketing package from St. Louis CVC! Will you help us win?
Here’s how you can enter:
Snap a photo on Twitter, Instagram or post on the St. Louis Civic Pride Facebook page ( of your favorite neighborhood and tell why you feel lucky to live here.
For your entry to be eligible, you must include the following hashtags: #luckytolivehere , #explorestlouis, and a hashtag with the name of the neighborhood (#bentonparkwest).
Don’t forget to geo-tag our neighborhood on Instagram!
For contest rules and information, please visit
Contest ends October 27th
That’s it! We hope you’ll join us in helping our neighborhood win this contest. And may you be the proud winner of one of the many exciting packages! That’s a win for everyone!
Good luck!