Weekly Porch: Area Activities, August 10-20, 2017

Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.
Gravois-Jefferson Draft Plan Summit
Thursday, August 10 from 4:00-8:00 pm, Froebel Elementary School, 3709 Nebraska
Introduction and Group Session (4-5PM), Breakout and Boards, Timeline, and Alignment Space (4-8PM), Second Introduction (6-6:30PM), Lightning Trainings (6:30-7:30PM). Please invite you neighbors! FREE CHILDCARE and REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED. PLEASE RSVP to 314-779-6251. Facebook Invite
So Fresh, So Clean, So Creative South Side: Back To School Workshop
Saturday, August 12 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, Thomas Dunn Learning Center, 3113 Gasconade
Dutchtown South Community Corporation's So Fresh, So Clean, So Creative South Side initiative is hosting a Back to School workshop this Saturday! At this workshop we'll learn how to go green and save money as the kids head back to school. We'll discuss the impact of buying school clothes and uniforms new vs. used and we'll teach you how to pack a zero waste lunch. Everyone is welcome and child care is available. Facebook Invite
Intro to Screen Printing with Cameron Gray
Saturday, August 12 from 1:00-4:00 pm, South City Art Supply, 1926 Cherokee
You’ll learn the basics of DIY screen printing using drawing fluid, a technique that you can easily accomplish at home without the use of photosensitive materials. Paper and a few other supplies will be provided for the whole class to share, plus each student gets:8” x 10” Speedball pre-stretched silkscreen9” Speedball squeegee8 oz. Speedball drawing fluid8 oz. Speedball screen filler8 oz. Speedball black acrylic ink (for use with paper)Speedball's introductory screen printing kit has a list price of $80, so the $75 class fee, which includes three hours of expert instruction along with the supplies, is a pretty great deal! The deadline to reserve your seat is Saturday, August 5. Due to space limitations, enrollment is capped at 14 students. Our last workshop sold out very quickly, so don't miss out! Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
Praise in the Park
Sunday, August 13 from 3:00-6:00 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
Gospel show, Curby and local church groups. Free food and family activities. bpnastl.org/events-calendar VOLUNTEERS are NEEDED. Please click the SignUpGenius for details and to volunteer.
Laughter Club
Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm, Thomas Dunn Learning Center, 3113 Gasconade
This is a meet up practicing laughter as a tool to reduce stress. It is without charge and lasts from 6:00 - 7:00 PM on Tuesdays. Visit www.tdunn.org for more info or contact Sonial at sonia@tdunn.org
So Fresh, So Clean, So Creative South Side: Clean Up Training
Thursday, August 17 from 4:30 - 5:30 pm, DSCC Office, 4204 Virginia
Dutchtown South Community Corporation's So Fresh, So Clean, So Creative South Side initiative is hosting a training session on how to deal with the waste that often results from an eviction. City agencies will be on hand to discuss what to do when you have overfilled dumpsters and excessive or illegally dumped bulk items in your alley after an eviction on your block. Facebook Invite
Cherokee Station Business Association (CSBA) Meeting
Thursday, August 17 from 5:30-6:30 pm, Nebula, 3407 S. Jefferson
Cherokee Station Business Association Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm. All business owners, residents, property owners, and anyone with an interest in Cherokee are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, August 17 from 7:00-9:00 pm, Fiver Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Please join us to hear the neighborhood news and have a chance in interact with your neighbors, 3rd District police, aldermen and NSO. We will review upcoming events and activities. For agenda items and other details, please visit our Events page or the Facebook Invite
BPW Litter Clean Up and Social Hour
Saturday, August 19 from 9:00-10:00 am, Our Neighborhood Garden, 2802 Wyoming
Help beautify our neighborhood and meet your neighbors! Each month we will be cleaning up a different area of our neighborhood. These clean up days will be the Saturday's following the BPW neighborhood meeting. Trash bags will be provided from Operation Bright Side. Feel free to bring gloves or anything else as needed. Everyone is welcome for any amount of time. Events Page
VOYCE Young Professionals Board Trivia Night
Saturday, August 19 from 7:00-10:00 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Join the VOYCE Young Professionals Board for an evening of trivia, games, and more! Buy a table of 8 for $160 or purchase individual tickets for $25 each (because of logistics, individual ticket sales are limited and first come first served). Doors open at 6 PM and trivia begins at 7 PM. Games, raffles and a silent auction will be held between rounds. This year's theme is Superheroes! Come dressed as your favorite superhero to win the title of Best Costume! Or, team up with your group and compete for Best Table Decorations! For more information and to reserve your table today, contact Ashley Averbeck at aaverbeck@voycestl.org or (314) 919-2408. Facebook Invite
ED Chat Dinner: The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion, Tuesday, August 22 from 6:30-8:00 pm, DK Annex, 2727 S. Jefferson
Citizens Book Club: Her 37th Year, An Index, Friday, August 25 from 7:00-8:30 pm, The Luminary, 2701 Cherokee
CBBA August Happy Hour, Monday, August 28 from 6:00-9:00 pm, Irish Corner Pub, 1900 Cherokee
Last Yappy Hour Pool Party, Thursday, September 8 from 6:00-8:00 pm, BPW Dog Park, Nebraska
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.