After the Party: Easter Eggstravaganza 2017

Saturday, April 15 was a sunny, cheery morning for Easter Eggstravaganza 2017. We had approximately 200 parents and kids join in on the fun. We kicked off with an egg hunt by age groups.

Benton Park West and Gravois Park Neighborhood Associations partnered on the event. Together, we had arts and crafts under the pavilion where kids could color eggs, create Easter headbands, or an Bunny picture frame.

We had several a couple of guest groups sharing information and services with residents such as Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice providing free gun locks.

and Eagle College Preparatory Schools

A special thanks to all our volunteers who without we wouldn't have been able to make the event happen. Here are a few photos of some of those volunteers.
The Police Explorers

Benton Park West residents Michael and Christina Sullivan

And our Easter Bunny...that may or may not be alderman elect Dan Gunther. We cannot confirm nor deny this. ;)

Happy Easter everyone!