Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, December 16, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our neighborhood. If you're not currently looking, tell your friends, families, co-workers about the listings and how BPW is a great place to be.
Please CLICK HERE for a complete list of properties for sale in Benton Park West. Visit our Housing page to learn more about funding and other resources.
The LRA (city owned) property and CDA are great investment opportunities for those seeking to use historic tax credits. Historic Tax Credits allow investors to earn back up to 45% of qualifying rehab expenses to make large profits off of these homes.
City of St. Louis CDA - Winter 2016 Residential Development NOFA
The City of St. Louis Community Development Administration (CDA) wishes to announce that it will issue the Winter 2016 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) on Monday, November 7. At that time, interested parties will be able to obtain a copy of the NOFA and associated requirements online:
Application deadline: December 30, 2016 at 4:00 pm.
Please contact Matthew Sisul, CDA Residential Development Manager ( or 314-657-3814) with questions.
Thank you for your interest in residential development in City neighborhoods. We invite and look forward to your participation.
Thank you!
Photos: 3416 Virginia Ave