Weekly Porch: Area Activities, August 11-20, 2016

Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.
Happy Thyme: A Garden Club for Seniors
Fridays from 10:00-12:00 pm, Salvation Army, 2747 Arsenal
The Happy Thyme Garden Club is open to all seniors interested in gardening, whether you're a certified green thumb or looking for a place to learn something new. We'll meet at Temple Gardens, located across from the Salvation Army on Fridays at 10 am. Questions? Call Sara Johnson at 314.606.7794
Foos and Brews
Friday, August 12 from 7:30-9:00 pm, Great American Human Foosball, 3227 Morganford
Get 90 minutes of human Foosball and other life-sized games followed by FREE beer and apple pie shots at Tower Pub (across the street). Ages 21+ and ticket cost of $15/person. Register at www.greatamericanhumanfoosball.com.
Back to School & Community Empowerment Festival
Saturday, August 13 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Chaifetz Arena, 1 S. Compton
Enjoy live entertainment, games and ride, gifts and prizes, information from 50 local vendors, family and senior resources, and FREE SCHOOL SUPPLIES!! Don't miss out! Send your young one back to school in style! For more info, call 314-615-3610 or visit www.slps.org.
Butter Love by LC: Website Launch & Maker Pop-Up
Saturday, August 13 from 12:00-4:00 pm, Westminster Press, 3156 Cherokee
Join us in celebrating the website launch of Butter Love by L.C. with a Maker Pop-Up featuring Golden Gem Paper Co., Westminster Press, and of course, the exclusive new products by Butter Love. Open to the public and free to attend. Wine and light refreshments provided. Facebook Invite
Praise in the Park Concert
Saturday, August 13 from 4:00-8:00 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
Gospel show by Benton Park West including Curby, Epiphany Church, The New Church, and Novation Church. FREE food and water will be provided. Additional games for kids. More details are coming. Facebook Invite
Pattern Recognition: Work from UIUC MFA Program
Saturday, August 13 from 7:00-10:00 pm, Fort Gondo Compound for the Arts, 3151 Cherokee
Open reception for Pattern Recognition: Work from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana MFA Program. Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
Happy Birthday South City Art Supply!
Sunday, August 14 from 1:00-4:00 pm, South City Art Supply, 1926 Cherokee
South City Art Supply is turning 1 years old! Daniel C. Roth Music will be playing his incredible original songs with some help from Tony LaMacchia on percussion. A few exhibitors with the idea of showcasing different sides of our unique joie de vivre: For more details, please visit Facebook Invite
Zumba Classes
Mondays, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby Church will host Zumba classes on Mondays at 6:00 pm for $5.00 a session. For more info 314-771-0242.
Puppy Pool Party
Wednesdays at 5:00 pm, Benton Park West Dog Park, 3300 Nebraska
Each Wednesday through Labor Day (weather permitting), we'll host a pool party for the pups! Let your dog cool off while you socialize with the other members. Please visit our Dog Park page of the Facebook group for more info on the park or the pool party. Questions? Contact Dog Park Chair, Chris Schmidt at 314-452-1931 or at mcdeam@gmail.com.
20th Ward Meeting: Traffic Calming and One-Way Streets
Wednesday, August 17 from 6:30-7:30 pm, Thomas Dunn Learning Center, 3113 Gasconade
Transportation experts will discuss their preliminary findings on one-way streets and traffic calming possibilities in Gravois Park and the 20th Ward portion of Dutchtwon. Your input will shape our street grid. Facebook Invite
Cherokee Station Business Association Meeting
Thursday, August 18 from 5:30-6:30 pm, Nebula, 3407 S. Jefferson
All business owners, residents, property owners, and anyone with an interest in Cherokee are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, August 18 at 7:00 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Please join us to hear the neighborhood news and have a chance in interact with your neighbors, 3rd District police, aldermen and NSO. We will review upcoming events and activities. All residents, business men and women, developers, landlords and other friends are welcome. Visit our Events page for more details or our Facebook Invite.
Cookbook Cover Party at McKinley Meadows
Saturday, August 20 from 12:00-2:00 pm, 2257 Missouri
We will be making covers for our cookbooks by incorporating the native plants that we have at the garden. Could it get more local!? There's no need to bring any special supplies. We will have what you need, but feel free to bring text or special paper if you want to use it. Visit the Nextdoor Invite for details.
Festival of Nations 2016, Saturday, August 27 & Sunday, August 28, Tower Grove Park
Youth 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, Saturday, August 27 & Sunday, August 28, Love Bank Park
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
Buddha Body and Bath
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.