Weekly Porch: Area Activities, June 9-18, 2016

Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood.
Happy Thyme: A Garden Club for Seniors
Fridays from 10:00-12:00 pm, Salvation Army, 2747 Arsenal
The Happy Thyme Garden Club is open to all seniors interested in gardening, whether you're a certified green thumb or looking for a place to learn something new. We'll meet at Temple Gardens, located across from the Salvation Army on Fridays at 10 am. Questions? Call Sara Johnson at 314.606.7794
Southeast Saint Louis City Yard Sale
Saturday, June 11, Various times and locations
Neighborhoods included this week are Marine Villa, Soulard, Benton Park, Benton Park West, and Gravois Park! Maps will be published to the sales for these neighborhoods the early morning of June 11th, so stay tuned! Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Trash Pickup and Social Hour
Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Each Sunday, get to know your neighbors and help make YOUR neighborhood park a better place to play! We'll pick up litter in and around the park while talking and getting to know each other.
Sustainable Backyard Tour
Sunday, June 12 from 11:00-4:00 pm, Various locations
The Sustainable Backyard Tour, held each year in June, is a unique opportunity to see firsthand how homeowners throughout St. Louis City and County are transforming their yards into healthy, abundant, beautiful and environmentally sensitive "secret gardens". Please click here for details.
Picnic in the Park
Sunday, June 12 from 4:00-7:00 pm, Tower Grove Park
The Friends of Tower Grove Park would like to invite you to a neighborhood "Picnic in the Park" at the Music Stand and Piper Palm House. For a list of food trucks, activities, and entertainment, please visit the Facebook Invite
Zumba Classes
Mondays, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby Church will host Zumba classes on Mondays at 6:00 pm for $5.00 a session. For more info 314-771-0242.
Greater Gravios Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
Monday, June 13 from 6:00-6:30 pm, 3453 S. Jefferson
The June meeting will have a shorter than normal duration, due to the Democratic Forum being hosted by the Thomas Dunn Recreational Center later in the evening. Please send any agenda items to gravoisgreater@gmail.com. Facebook Invite
Gravois Park Neighborhood Meeting
Tuesday, June 14 at 6:00 pm, 3353 California
Come out and meet your neighbors, get involved and be informed. Our monthly meetings are a great place to discuss issues important to you and your family, learn about resources and get updates on everything in and around Gravois Park and the 20th Ward. Facebook Invite
Cherokee Station Business Association Meeting
Thursday, June 16 at 5:30 pm, Nebula, 3400 S. Jefferson
CSBA Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm. All business owners, residents, property owners, and anyone with an interest in Cherokee are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, June 16 at 7:00 pm, Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Please join us to hear the neighborhood news and have a chance in interact with your neighbors, 3rd District police, aldermen and NSO. We will review upcoming events and activities. All residents, business men and women, developers, landlords and other friends are welcome. Visit our Events page for more details.
Curby Church Family Movie Night
Friday, June 17 at 7:00 pm, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby hosts a FREE Family Movie Night, of inspirational and encouraging movies, every 3rd Friday @ 7:00 pm with FREE popcorn, hot dogs, snacks and water. For more info 314-771-0242. Facebook
Benton Park's 150th Birthday Bash! Saturday, June 25 from 11:00-9:30 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
Pics in the Park, Sunday, June 26 from 10:00-2:00 pm, Benton Park West Dog Park, 3300 Nebraska
Fair Saint Louis - Beer Booth (Volunteer), Saturday, June 2 from 11:00-11:30 pm, Forest Park
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
Buddha Body and Bath
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.