Spring Is Here - Garden Beautification
Neighborhood volunteers worked the past few Saturdays cleaning up the planters along Gravois in Benton Park West.

Dedicated west side residents, Michael and Christina Sullivan organized the Gravois planter clean up.

Weeds were pulled, bushes were trimed, and ornamental grasses were thinned.

The flower garden at California and Wyoming is in need of volunteers. We have an upcoming garden work day on Saturday, April 16 at 9 am.

The flower garden (picture above) will need weeds pulled, bushes trimmed, litter pickedup, and the fence and sign repaired.

We will redesign parts of the flower garden and will add new perennials and bushes in May. Look for details about that follow up work day soon.
There is a large tree stump that we'd love to see someone use creativity on. We'd thought about finding a carver to use the stump as a canvas. We're open to other ideas as well.
If you have plants to divide or hardscape you no longer want, consider donating those items to the neighborhood flower garden. To volunteer for a work day (mark your calendar for Sat, April 16 at 9 am), please contact BPWNA Vice President, Scott McIntosh at vicepresident@bentonparkwest.org or call 314-719-6507.
Thank you and let's beautify our community!