Weekly Porch: Area Activities, March 24-April 2, 2016

Photo: Yaquis on Cherokee Street
Below is a list of upcoming activities for Benton Park West area residents.
Zumba Classes
Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby Church will host Zumba classes on Mondays at 6:00 pm and Thursday at 1:30 pm at $5.00 a session. For more info 314-771-0242.
Maundy Thursday (Last Supper) and Communion Worship Service
Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 pm, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
We'll begin with serving dinner at 6:30 pm, fish (baked and fried) and salad. You must RSVP by email curbychurchpastor@gmail.com or phone 314-771-0242, so we'll have enough for all attendees. Also, we'll have a special musical guest. All are welcome! For more info, contact Rev. Paula Cooper at 314-771-0242.
Good Friday Service
Friday, 25 at 7:00 pm, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
All are welcome! For more info, contact Rev. Paula Cooper at 314-771-0242.
Five Star Senior Center's Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser
Friday, March 25 from 11:00-7:00 pm, Five Start Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal
Serving from 11:00-7:00 pm, if you know of a business or building that would like deliveries of 5 or more dinners we can make that happen. As always we are looking for help in the form of fish fryers, servers, delivery persons, kitchen help, clean-up, cash donations, and especially desserts to be donated. If none of the volunteer opportunities fit, plan on coming in or get a carry-out lunch or dinner. We need customers to make this event a success. Thank you for your assistance in serving the needs of the Seniors of St. Louis.
Gondo Poetry 35: Mark Levine and Emily Wilson
Friday, March 25 at 7 pm, Fort Gondo Compound for the Arts, 3151 Cherokee
Please join us for the 35th reading in the gondo poetry series, featuring: Mark Levine and Emily Wilson. Mark Levine is the author of four books of poems, Debt (1993), which was a National Poetry Series winner; Enola Gay (2000) and The Wilds (2006), both from University of California Press; and Travels of Marco, out this spring from Four Way Books. Emily Wilson is the author of three books of poetry, The Keep (2001) and Micrographia (2008) from University of Iowa Press, and The Great Medieval Yellows (2015) from Canarium Books, as well a limited-edition book, Morpho terrestre (2006), which includes prints by Sara Langworthy. This event is free and open to the public. Facebook Invite
Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 am, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association will host its 11th Annual Easter Eggstravaganza! This free event is for children 1-12 years of age and they must be accompanied by an adult. Have questions or would like to volunteer? Contact Pam Welsh, Youth Outreach Chair at 314-406-2026. Visit our Events page for more details.
28 to Life Charity Basketball Games
Saturday, March 26 at 12:00 pm, Dunn-Marquette Recreation Center, 4025 Minnesota
We will host our first annual Bridging the Gap Charity Game. 28 to Life has been concentrating on Police/Community relationship. This will be a day of mending and recognition of our soliders on both sides who have lost their lives in this battlefiled we call life! We will have food, and DJ Politicians, and special invited guest! Special halftime 1-on-1 game between Sgt. Todd Ross and Bruce Franks! Facebook Invite
20th Ward Easter Jamboree
Saturday, March 26 from 1:00-5:00 pm, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
This event is free for EVERYONE and we encourage you to bring others. There will be music, free haircuts, field games, free food, egg hunts, and more! This is sure to be a fun day and to assist with that will be South Side 4 - Ever, NovationChurch, Cherokee Street Reach, Kuts by Kurtis, St. Louis Firefighters, STL Hoop Club, and St. Louis Mounted Police. See you Saturday! Facebook Invite
Cherokee Street Spring Mutual Aid & Food Share
Saturday, March 26 from 1:00-4:00 pm, C.A.M.P, 3026 Cherokee
Food-NotBombs StL invites you to an afternoon of community and radical sharing at the CAMP building. All afternoon we'll be giving away hot nutritious & delicious made from scratch meals, canned food, personal hygiene items & condoms, socially conscious literature, and gently-used in-season clothes absolutely 100% FREE-of-charge; no strings attached, no questions asked. Join us for good friendly conversation, a warm tasty meal, song and dance; this is a family-friendly, all-ages event. For more details, please visit the Facebook Invite.
Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Service
Sunday, March 27 at 10:30 am, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
All are welcome! For more info, contact Rev. Paula Cooper at 314-771-0242.
Marine Villa Neighborhood Association
Monday, March 28 from 6:00-9:00 pm, 3678 S Broadway
Our monthly neighborhood association meeting held the fourth Monday of every month. Happy hour starts at 6:00pm meeting at 7:00pm and we keep it consice. Come out and meet your neighbors, they are a lot cooler than you think! Find out what is going on in your neighborhood and how to participate in community activities that have a positive impact. If you would like to share something with the neighborhood, messege us and we will get you on the agenda. Facebook Invite
Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour
Thursday, March 31 from 6:00-8:00 pm, Yaquis, 2728 Cherokee
$4 sangria and some sort of beer (TBD) and 25% off any pizza or appetizer until 7pm! This event is sponsored by the Benton Park, Benton Park West, Gravois Park, and Marine Villa Neighborhood Assocations of St. Louis, Missouri. For more info, visit our Events page or the Facebook Invite.
Benton Park West Dog Park Seasonal Grand Opening, Saturday, April 9 from 10:00-12:00 pm, Utah
Cinco de Mayo - Cherokee Street, Saturday May 7 from 11:00-9:00 pm, Cherokee (between Ohio and Nebraska)
IndiHop 2016, Saturday, May 21 from 1:00-7:00 pm, Various locations on Cherokee
A special THANK YOU to The Porch sponsors:
Buddha Body and Bath
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to scottwmcintosh@yahoo.com.