Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, October 2, 2015
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our neighborhood. If you're not currently looking, tell your friends, families, co-workers about the listings and how BPW is a great place to be.
Please click here for a complete list of properties for sale in Benton Park West. Visit our Housing page to learn more about funding and other resources.
Special Notice: City of St. Louis CDA - Fall 2015 Residential Development NOFA
The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Community Development Administration's Fall 2015 Round for Residential Development Proposals has been issued. Interested parties can obtain a copy of the NOFA and associated requirements from the Community Development Administration website at the following link: Important Dates:
Application Deadline - October 16, 2015 @ 4pm
Award Announcement - November 30, 2015
Parties wishing to view LRA-owned property prior to the October 9 inspection deadline, must contact (314) 657-3754 to schedule appointments. A minimum of 48-hour notice will be required. Individuals must sign an LRA waiver prior to inspection. In limited cases, a Request to Open Boarded-Up LRA Property may also be available. Any questions related to the NOFA should be directed to this email address at Answers will be published publicly online as necessary:
Thank you!

Photo: 3106 Wyoming Street