Weekly Porch: Area Activities, September 3-11, 2015
As The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the "Weekly Porch." If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to secretary@bentonparkwest.org.
Below is a list of upcoming activities for Benton Park West area residents.
Cherokee Street International Farmers Market
Friday, September 4 from 4:00-7:00 pm, 2647 Cherokee
Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables as available. Facebook Invite
Free Ceramics Class
Saturday, September 5 from 2:00-4:00 pm, Intersect Art Center, 3636 Ohio
Taught by MFA Raleigh Gardiner, classes run Sept 5-Dec 12. You do not have to be present for all classes; feel free to come check it out at any time! This class will be loose in structure, but will include hand building as well as wheel throwing techniques with lots of time for experimentation, practice, and in-depth learning as students desire! Free and Open to the Community! www.intersectstl.org
20th Annual Big Muddy Blues Festival
Saturday, September 5 and Sunday, September 6, 3:00 pm - midnight, Laclede's Landing
Feel the rhythm and find your groove at the annual Big Muddy, one of the country's best blues music festivals. Enjoy 18 hours of fabulous music on two stages from renowned artists like Rick Estrin & the Nightcats, David Dee and the Hot Tracks, Impala Deluxe, Carolyn Wonderland, The Blue Shadows, Hadden Sayers and more. http://www.bigmuddybluesfestival.com
38th Annual Japanese Festival
Saturday, September 5 until Monday, September 7, Missouri Botanical Gardens
Celebrating the history, culture, and people of Japan, the Japanese Festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden is one of the largest and oldest festivals of its kind in the United States.
Benton Park Concert Series
Sunday, September 6 from 3:00-6:00 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
All concerts are FREE and take place in the beautiful Benton Park (Corner of Arsenal & Jefferson). Food, drink and Benton Park gear will be available for purchase. Visit bpnastl.org for details.
St. Louis Swap Meet
Sunday, September 6 from 10:00 am-3:00 pm at the Lemp Brewery, Cherokee @ Lemp
Various vendors participate in this open-air swap meet. http://stlswapmeet.com
Benton Park Classic Cycle Race & Labor Day 5K
Monday, September 7 from 8:00am-6:00 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
The fourth and final leg of the Staenberg Group Gateway Cup gets under way in historic Benton Park. This large and technically demanding course races through yet another one of St. Louis’ most nostalgic locales. gatewaycup.com/races/benton-park-classic
5K details: www.bpnastl.org/2015-summer-events-in-benton-p/
St. Louis Labor Day Parade
Monday, September 7 at 9 am, Downtown, Tucker and Market
The parade will step off at 9 a.m. led by the mayor, police chief and fire chief, and immediately followed by a horse-drawn trolley with 20 members of the Musicians Association of St. Louis Local 2-197, and proceed east on Olive at 15th to Tucker Blvd., south on Tucker to Market Street, then west on Market to 15th. http://www.stlclc.org/st-louis-labor-day-parade-line-up-set/
Nutrition Classes
Monday, September 7 at 5:00 pm, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby Church will host nutrition classes on Mondays until September 18. These sessions are FREE. For more info 314-771-0242.
Zumba Classes
Monday, September 7 at 6:30 pm, Curby Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2621 Utah
Curby Church will host Zumba classes on Mondays. The cost is $5.00 a session. For more info 314-771-0242.
Gravois Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
Tuesday, September 8 at 6:00 pm, 3353 California
Friends and residents are invited to hear the lastest news and happenings in Gravois Park. Questions, contact Rita Ford, President, at 314-664-3425.