Weekly Porch: Area Activities, June 25-July 3, 2015
Since The Porch Review (BPW newsletter) is printed quarterly, we'll post upcoming activities on Thursdays through the Weekly Porch. If there's an area activity that you'd like to have included, please send your activity details to secretary@bentonparkwest.org.
Below is a list of upcoming activities for Benton Park West area residents.
Cherokee Neighorhoods Happy Hour
Thursday, June 25 from 6:00-8:00 pm, The Filling Station, 1924 Pestalozzi
Join us this month in Benton Park at the Filling station for the monthly Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour! Meet new neighbors from the neighborhoods that surround Cherokee Street while enjoying one of the many local drinking holes the neighborhoods have to offer. This is a joint effort with Benton Park, Benton Park West, Gravois Park, and Marine Villa.
Kickball in the Park
Friday, June 26 at 6:00 pm, Gravois Park, 3200 Potomac
Kids and adults of all ages are encourage to play kickball in Gravois Park each Friday night during the summer. This is a fun way to kick off the week in a fun, family-friendly environment.
2015 St. Louis PrideFest
Friday, June 26-Sunday, June 28, Soldiers Memorial
Join Pride Saint Louis for the 2015 PrideFest celebration taking place on Friday, June 26 - Sunday, June 28th at Soldiers Memorial in Downtown St. Louis. Please visit us at www.pridestl.org/festival for a full list of event details, frequently asked questions and more.
Southeast St. Louis City Yard Sale
Saturday, June 27 from 7:00 am-1:00 pm, Various Locations
Clusters of neighborhoods will host neighborhood-wide yard sales. June 27 is Bevo Mill, Holly Hills, and Carondelet. To include your yard sale, send your STREET ADDRESS to STLYardSale15@gmail.com. Your address will be added to the map of participating location. Check Facebook for details.
Benton Park Concert Series
Saturday, June 27 from 4:00-9:00 pm, Benton Park, 3100 S. Jefferson
All concerts are FREE and take place in the beautiful Benton Park (Corner of Arsenal & Jefferson). Food, drink and Benton Park gear will be available for purchase. Visit bpnastl.org for details.
St. Louis Swap Meet
Sunday, June 28 from 10:00 am-3:00 pm at the Lemp Brewery, Cherokee @ Lemp
Various vendors participate in this open-air swap meet. http://stlswapmeet.com
Cherokee Street Reach 2015 Art Camp Fundraiser!
Sunday, June 28 from 5:00-9:00 pm, Blank Space, 2847 Cherokee
Cherokee Street Reach is hosting a fundraiser to support programming for the August 2015 Art Camp and Community Arts Festival. Live entertainment and Free 4 Hands Brewing Company (while it lasts!), and raffle and door prizes from our friends at MoKaBe's Coffeehouse, STL-Style, Melt, Saint Louis Hop Shop, Yaquis on Cherokee, Bling Blam, Eyez by Peat Wollaeger, AnneX and more! Facebook Invite
CDA's FREE Nonprofit Capcity Workshop Series
Session 3: CDBG Proposal Best Practices, Monday, June 29 at 9:30 am-12:00 pm
The City of St. Louis' Community Development Administration (CDA) is offering a series of FREE workshops. To learn more about the series or to register please visit http://goo.gl/42WsIB
Fair St. Louis - Volunteers Needed July 2 & 3
Thursday, July 2 and Friday, July 3, Various Times, Forest Park
Benton Park West Neighborhood Association will host a booth on Thursday July 2 and Friday, July 3. Help BPWNA by volunteering to work one or both days of the multi-day event selling beer, soda, and water. Click the link for details or to sign-up as a volunteer: http://goo.gl/TVPmKC
School's Out Cafe: Food That's In When School Is Out
June 1 - August 7, Various Locations
The Summer Food Program provides FREE breakfast and lunch for young people up to the age of 18. For information about site locations, please contact the Youth & Family Services Office at 314-657-1695.