Community Garden Meeting, March 21, 2015

BPW Community Garden Meeting
Saturday, March 21 at 10:30 am
2724 Utah Street (Private Residence)
Spring is upon us and we're prepping for the 2015 gardening season! This will be our second year at our new site at Jefferson and Arsenal and will talk about ideas that you may have, planning, concerns, community involvement and any gardening advice that you would like to share.
Some items that we will be addressing at the planning meeting:
-Plans for expansion, how many new beds do we need?
-How can we manage loss of vegetables? (fencing, berms etc.)
-Do we continue having a garden workday and when would that be?
-Someone to price and order supplies
-Someone to handle watering schedule (and show new members how and where to set everything up)
-Someone to handle mowing schedule
-Someone to investigate and manage volunteering in other gardens so we will be eligible for grants next year
-Someone to manage new requests for gardens
-Pricing for a garden plot (new members)
I will be making a couple breakfast casseroles. If you would like to bring anything to share (whatever you like to make) that is completely up to you! Don't feel like you have to to though.
I think it is going to be a great day to plan everything out for the garden this year. If you know anyone that would be interested in joining the garden, please bring them.
See you Saturday!
Stephanie McKinney
BPW Beautification Chair
cell: 816.377.8212