2015 Mardi Gras - Volunteers Needed!
Mardi Gras is the largest fundraiser for Benton Park West Neighborhood Association. We will once again host a beverage booth at the SW corner of 7th and Geyer. Our booth is 100% run by volunteers. We need you to make this happen.
2015 Soulard Mardi Gras
Saturday, February 14, 2015
SW Corner of 7th and Geyer
Volunteer shifts begin at 8:00 am and will end by 9:00 pm. Bring a friend or neighbor! This is a fun event and a chance to get to know your neighbors.
For more details and to sign-up as a volunteer, please visit our SignUpGenius page here. You may also visit our Events page to learn more.

Photo: BPW volunteers at Mardi Gras