Keep America Beautiful - Thank You Volunteers!
We had several hundred volunteers turnout Saturday for Keep America Beautiful and Anheuser-Busch's Do Good Have Fun volunteer day. Benton Park West would like to say a special 'thank you' to all who turned out that day. If it weren't for those volunteers, none of it would have been possible. THANK YOU!
In Benton Park West, we had stencil designs by local artists Casey Conroy and Peat Wollaeger painted on the concrete barriers along the community garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. We also had mulch burms created along the verbinum bushes. Lastly, there were additional raised-bed wood frames built to add more gardeners next year.
Mayor Slay attended the lunch around 12:30 pm and congradulated the volunteers for their work. AB provided lunch for all the volunteers as well as a few AB products. Check out the photos below.