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Multi-family rehab at Wyoming & California by Phoenix Development, July 2013

Renter Info


Benton Park West welcomes renters to our community! We highly encourage all residents to attend and participate in neighborhood meetings and events. 


Click here for the City of St. Louis' "You and Your Landord: A St. Louis Area Guide to Tenant Responsibilites and Rights.


BPWNA does not formally endorse any landlord, realtor, property owner, or property management company.

Home Buying and Investing

For information about historic tax credits, visit the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' State Historic Preservation site.

Real Estate Tax Abatement may be available for owner-occupied renovation projects and typically lasts 5-10 years. You must contact the alderman and apply for abatement before you start your rehab project.   


Home Buyer Programs

Good Neighbor Next Door

Law enforcement officers, pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and firefighters/EMTs can contribute to community revitalization while becoming homeowners with a discount of 50% from the list price of the home. You must commit to live in the property for 36 months as your sole residence.


MHDC First Place Homebuyer Programs

First-time home buyers may be eligible for down payment and closing cost assistance or a lower interest rate.

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