Community Gardens
Community Garden, Arsenal & Jefferson, 3101 S. Jefferson
Individuals and groups of gardeners can reserve private garden plots for $10 each. All community members - not just paid gardeners - are also welcome to enjoy and tend the many shared plantings at the garden, including berry bushes, native pollinator plants, and more. Visit the garden to volunteer or relax any time, but please don't garden any private garden beds other than your own.
View upcoming Garden Work Days in the Community Calendar.
Request private garden plot(s) using this form.
Gravois Garden, just north of Cherokee St, 3346 Gravois
This is a new garden planted in the fall of 2021 with a Neighbors Naturescaping grant from Brightside in order to clean up and beautify a neglected, but very visible parcel along Gravois. Many of our neighbors walked past when it was just trash and weeds, we hope their daily routine will be a bit more pleasant with the addition of this garden. It is currently planted with native plants and daffodils, but is still getting established and may change greatly in coming years.
Gravois Planters
Along Gravois Ave are several round planters to welcome visitors to our neighborhood and beautify our community. Volunteers help keep these planters looking nice.