2nd Quarter 2015 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its April/May/June 2015 edition available on...

November/December 2014 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its November/December 2014 edition available...

October 2014 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its October 2014 edition available on our...

Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting - Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014
Please join us to hear the neighborhood news and have a chance in interact with your neighbors, 3rd District police, aldermen and NSO....

Weed & Seed Graduate Neighborhoods & Community Outreach Meeting
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, District 3 Weed & Seed Graduated Neighborhoods & Community Outreach Meeting Thursday, September...

August BPW Neighborhood Meeting Thurs, August 21, 2014
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting Thurs, August 21 7:00-8:30 PM Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal Street, St. Louis, MO 63118...

BPWNA Meeting Tonight!
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, July 17 @ 7 pm Five Star Senior Center, 2932 Arsenal Please join us to hear the...