Weekly Porch: Area Activities, May 10-20, 2018
Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood. Nexcore Game Night with Alderwoman...

Earth Day and BPW Spring Clean Up
Earth Day is Sunday, April 22 and Benton Park West is doing its part. Saturday, April 21 residents are encourage to participate in...

After the Party: Students Today Leaders Forever
Sunday, February 18 high school students from Birmingham, AL came to Benton Park West for service work. These students were a part of...

Earth Day: BPW Spring Clean Up!
Earth Day is Sunday, April 24 and Benton Park West is doing its part. Saturday, April 23 residents are encourage to participate in...

Neighborhood Clean Up
The 10 Minute Clean Up Challenge is gaining momentum! Many residents are stepping up to take care of our neighborhood. Below is a great...

Spring Alley Clean Up, May 16, 2015
Time for our semi-annual alley clean up. Saturday, May 16 at 9am, we're encouraging residents to pick up their alleys. We'll pick up...