Safe Spot: “Off or on? That is the question…” Why porch lights are important!
“Criminals don’t want to get caught. When organizations have lights designed to properly illuminate building entrances, parking lots and...

Weekly Porch: Area Activities, January 7-16, 2016
Below is a list of upcoming activities for Benton Park West area residents. Zumba Classes Thursdays at 1:30-2:30 pm and Mondays at...

Weekly Porch: Area Activities, December 17-26, 2015
*Special Notice: Due to Christmas activities, there will not be a Weekly Porch next Thursday, December 24. Below is a list of upcoming...

Weekly Porch: Area Activities, December 10-19, 2015
Below is a list of upcoming activities for Benton Park West area residents. Anheuser-Busch Brewery Lights Thursday-Sunday until January 3...