After the Party: Trunk or Treat 2019
Sunday was Benton Park West's annual Trunk or Treat. It was a sunny afternoon, which made for a great time for kids and their families....

Back to School - Donate, Volunteer, Attend!
DONATE You can donate dollars or items to Rosetta Jackson, 314-583-7461, by July 15. After that date, we'll purchase items from the...

After the Party: Easter Eggstravaganza 2018
This past Saturday, Benton Park West in partnership with Gravois Park, hosted its 13th annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Despite the clouds...

Easter Eggstravaganza, April 4, 2015
Reminder! Easter Eggstravaganza this Saturday in Gravois Park. Egg hunt starts at 10am, so don't be late.