After the Party: Community Garden Volunteers
This past Wednesday (August 22) volunteers from Concordia Seminary volunteered in the Community Garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. The...

Weekly Porch: Area Activities, May 3-13, 2018
Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood. Opening Reception: History Pauses Here...

Weekly Porch: Area Activities, April 26-May 6, 2018
Below is a list of upcoming activities in or around Benton Park West, a Cherokee Neighborhood. Beer and South St. Louis: A Talk, Tour,...

Our Neighborhood Garden - Donate and Volunteer
Benton Park West may not have a City park within its boundaries, but we do have a public flower garden to enjoy. Our Neighborhood Garden,...

After the Party: Perennial Planting Party
Friday, May 6 Benton Park West received 80+ perennials and bushes from Gateway Greening for Our Neighborhood Garden at 2800 Wyoming....

Spring Is Here - Garden Beautification
Neighborhood volunteers worked the past few Saturdays cleaning up the planters along Gravois in Benton Park West. Dedicated west side...

Community Garden Meeting, March 21, 2015
BPW Community Garden Meeting Saturday, March 21 at 10:30 am 2724 Utah Street (Private Residence) Spring is upon us and we're prepping for...

Mural Painting Sat, Nov 1 - Volunteers Needed!
It's time to finish the mural painting at the community garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. We need at least 16 volunteers to help us finish...

Keep America Beautiful - Thank You Volunteers!
We had several hundred volunteers turnout Saturday for Keep America Beautiful and Anheuser-Busch's Do Good Have Fun volunteer day. Benton...

Keep America Beautiful - Volunteers Needed!
Up for Whatever? Do Good. Have Fun. Keep America Beautiful will host an event to beautiful Benton Park and Benton Park West. ...