After the Party: Photos from the Rehabbers Club Tour
Saturday was a beautiful day to explore Benton Park West. Partnering with ReVitalize St. Louis' Rehabbers Club, BPWNA organized a tour...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, March 18, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, March 11, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, March 4, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, February 26, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, February 19, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, February 5, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, January 29, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, January 22, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...

Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, January 15, 2016
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our...