Cherokee Games - Coming Soon!
The four Cherokee Neighborhoods are organizing the inaugural Cherokee Games, a friendly competition of neighbors. We need your input as...

Inaugural 3rd and 4th District Police Officer Appreciation Luncheon, March 9, 2015
The inaugural 3rd and 4th District Police Officer Appreciation Luncheon will be held on Monday, March 9 at The Chase Park Plaza Hotel,...

2015 Mardi Gras - Volunteers Needed!
Mardi Gras is the largest fundraiser for Benton Park West Neighborhood Association. We will once again host a beverage booth at the SW...

FREE spay/neuter surgery for BPW pet owners!
The Humane Society of Missouri is offering FREE spay and neuter services to residents of Gravois Park and Benton Park West. Please see...

3rd District Police Officer's Christmas Party, Dec. 18, 2014
What: 3rd District Police Officer's Christmas Party When: Thurs, December 18 from 6-9 p.m. Where: Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal...

November/December 2014 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its November/December 2014 edition available...

Peter & Paul Community Services Open House, Nov. 19, 2014
Join Peter & Paul Community Services for their open house on Wed, November 19 at Garfield Commons, 2612 Wyoming Street. Ribbon Cutting...

Mural Painting Sat, Nov 1 - Volunteers Needed!
It's time to finish the mural painting at the community garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. We need at least 16 volunteers to help us finish...

October 2014 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its October 2014 edition available on our...

Trunk or Treat - Volunteers Needed!
Benton Park West will hold its annual Trunk or Treat, a safe Halloween trick or treating for kids on Sunday, October 26 in the Salvation...