Fair Saint Louis - Volunteer or Attend on July 2!
The birthday for the United States is right around the corner! Come celebrate 240 years of being our own country and support Benton...

4th Quarter 2015 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its October/November/December 2015 edition...

Neighborhood Clean Up
The 10 Minute Clean Up Challenge is gaining momentum! Many residents are stepping up to take care of our neighborhood. Below is a great...

Spring Alley Clean Up, May 16, 2015
Time for our semi-annual alley clean up. Saturday, May 16 at 9am, we're encouraging residents to pick up their alleys. We'll pick up...

2nd Quarter 2015 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its April/May/June 2015 edition available on...

Easter Eggstravaganza, April 4, 2015
Reminder! Easter Eggstravaganza this Saturday in Gravois Park. Egg hunt starts at 10am, so don't be late.

Tickets for Sale: Cardinals vs. Cubs Game, May 4, 2015
Benton Park West as part of the four Cherokee Neighborhoods will have a group day at the ballpark. BPWNA has purchased tickets for the...

SLMPD Citizens Academy, March 4 - May 20, 2015
Click here for the application.

NOM Training, Feb. 26, 2015
We are still attempting to find someone to track court dates from home and notify the group when a bail hearing and sentencing is...