2nd Quarter 2015 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its April/May/June 2015 edition available on...

Easter Eggstravaganza, April 4, 2015
Reminder! Easter Eggstravaganza this Saturday in Gravois Park. Egg hunt starts at 10am, so don't be late.

Community Garden Meeting, March 21, 2015
BPW Community Garden Meeting Saturday, March 21 at 10:30 am 2724 Utah Street (Private Residence) Spring is upon us and we're prepping for...

Tickets for Sale: Cardinals vs. Cubs Game, May 4, 2015
Benton Park West as part of the four Cherokee Neighborhoods will have a group day at the ballpark. BPWNA has purchased tickets for the...

NOM Training, Feb. 26, 2015
We are still attempting to find someone to track court dates from home and notify the group when a bail hearing and sentencing is...

Cherokee Games - Coming Soon!
The four Cherokee Neighborhoods are organizing the inaugural Cherokee Games, a friendly competition of neighbors. We need your input as...

2015 Mardi Gras - Volunteers Needed!
Mardi Gras is the largest fundraiser for Benton Park West Neighborhood Association. We will once again host a beverage booth at the SW...

November/December 2014 Porch Review Now Available
The Porch Review, the official newsletter of Benton Park West neighborhood association, has its November/December 2014 edition available...

Mural Painting Sat, Nov 1 - Volunteers Needed!
It's time to finish the mural painting at the community garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. We need at least 16 volunteers to help us finish...