After the Party: Trunk or Treat 2019
Sunday was Benton Park West's annual Trunk or Treat. It was a sunny afternoon, which made for a great time for kids and their families....

After the Party: Community Garden Volunteers
Thank you to Bayer Crop Science employees for volunteering 2.5 hours clearing our garden beds for the season and turning the compost. You...

After the Party: Community Garden Volunteers
This past Wednesday (August 22) volunteers from Concordia Seminary volunteered in the Community Garden at Jefferson and Arsenal. The...

After the Party: Easter Eggstravaganza 2018
This past Saturday, Benton Park West in partnership with Gravois Park, hosted its 13th annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Despite the clouds...

After the Party: Students Today Leaders Forever
Sunday, February 18 high school students from Birmingham, AL came to Benton Park West for service work. These students were a part of...

After the Party: Gravois Park Holiday Caroling
Sunday, December 17 was an unexpectedly sunny day as Christmas carolers descended upon Gravois Park's pavilion. Holiday cheer was in full...

After the Party: Dog Park Christmas Party
Benton Park West Dog Park's annual Christmas Party was Saturday, December 9, 2017. Despite the cold, a nice gathering of dogs and their...

After the Party: Halloween 2017 in BPW
Howl-O-Ween This year's Dog Park Howl-O-Ween included a shoe drive. Held on Saturday, Oct 28, two totes of shoes were collected for the...

After the Party: National Night Out 2017
Tuesday, August 1 was National Night Out across the country. Benton Park West held at least three block parties that night. BPWNA hosted...

After the Party: KaBOOM! Playground Build
After more than a year of work by Cherokee Street Development League (aka Anne McCullough), Gravois Park was awarded a new playground by...